Friday, December 2, 2011

Countdown to Christmas: Music Video Style with Wham!

Guys, I have to thank Adulting for introducing me to this gem of a video. I used to think of this song as that annoying one with the weird lyrics and instrumentals. Not anymore. I didn't even know this song had a music video to accompany it. This video has it all: 80s ski style at a cabin that can only be reached via gondola, flashbacks in the snow with blond mullet guy (really just any shot with the many mullets provided for enjoyment), two characters who sneak awkward we-slept-together-and-you-broke-my-heart-but-i'll-keep-looking-at-you looks with each other. I mean, honestly, this video is so amazeballs. And according to the comments, the Poles are apparently huge fans of this song. I don't blame them. Between the blond guy brooding from his parka and the many mullets (So many mullets!) it's hard for me to choose the best part about this video. Please enjoy and watch on repeat. I swear, it gets better and better.


  1. this is one of my fav Christmas songs! hahaha

  2. (in song) Last Christmas I gave you a broach and the very next day you threw it away....Why would... you do such a thing?..Was it really that ugly?
