Monday, October 31, 2011
Almost Forgot...
Happy Halloween! In honor of this great excuse holiday for eating copious amounts of chocolate and candy, I present to you my Halloween movie choice of the night:
What's not to love?!?! Old school Christina Ricci, funny ghosts, and (obvi) Devon Sawa. "Can I keep you?" *swoon* Happy Trick or Treating! I hope you go to the neighborhoods where they hand out the good chocolate!

Glee Comes Back!
And in honor of tomorrow here is a sneak peak of Darren Criss' "Last Friday Night" performance! So much to discuss! Like, how adorable is Darren Criss?! And how much do I love Quinn's outfit?!BTW, her skirt is currently available on sale at Anthro. Lies, it was available but not anymore. And love, love, love Klaine/Blurt twirl each other around the room.
Totes love! Totes excited!
Totes love! Totes excited!
Friday, October 28, 2011
Fool, Please
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Hitting Up Flicks from the 80s.

Real Genius, with a very nerdy and adorable Val Kilmer, is an underrated film. It's a bit like the Big Bang Theory meets the Gilmore Girls, so get ready for some witty repartee and dated pop cultural references. It was the perfect movie to watch while making my flash cards for Medieval Latin.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Halloween Edition
I don't really know if I'm dressing up this year. I don't even know my plans for Halloween yet. But if I were to dress up, I would totes go as the London 2012 Olympics stadium. Why? Just so I could use this makeup tutorial by Pixiwoo, featuring Union Flag* eyes.
I would probably go without the tears since I don't know if that's really necessary. I would also wear a t-shirt with the Olympic rings, dark shorts or skirt, tights and flats. I would also carry around an Olympic torch. Really though, all I want is to try this look. Maybe I'll save it for the opening ceremonies party I'll throw next summer.
*Edit: I learned from Doctor Who that it's the Union Jack when flown on ships and the Union flag everywhere else. Not sure if that's 100% correct since this is information from someone who travels in a TARDIS. On second thought, you should always trust someone who travels in a TARDIS.
I would probably go without the tears since I don't know if that's really necessary. I would also wear a t-shirt with the Olympic rings, dark shorts or skirt, tights and flats. I would also carry around an Olympic torch. Really though, all I want is to try this look. Maybe I'll save it for the opening ceremonies party I'll throw next summer.
*Edit: I learned from Doctor Who that it's the Union Jack when flown on ships and the Union flag everywhere else. Not sure if that's 100% correct since this is information from someone who travels in a TARDIS. On second thought, you should always trust someone who travels in a TARDIS.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
![]() |
taken by me on a Holga with 120mm film |
off to Austin tomorrow for a few interviews, meetings, and a friend's birthday!
Monday, October 24, 2011
Zebras and Stripes
Everybody knows I'm a huge fan of Pippa Middleton. I think she's a lovely gal whose closet I would steal in a Big Ben minute. Of course, I would need to race in a few triathlons to fit in her clothes but that's another story. I've been obsessing with this black and white combo and a splash of color that she wore sometime this fall.
I've been casually looking for a black and white scarf whenever I went out shopping and totes found one at Target on sale! *elbow pat for Christmas* It's obviously not the exact same as Pips' Alice Temperley scarf but it will do for me. Then I decided to post my outfit because I'm finally on a let's-stop-looking-like-a-hot-mess-kick-and-look-like-a-presentable-human-being.
This is my t
ake on the black-and-white look with a pop of color. I'm obsessed with my sweater. I found it on the sale rack at Old Navy the other day and just fell in love. Honey badger don't care about the horizontal stripes rule. This outfit is super comfy. I picked up my sister at school and ran errands to Target and Ulta. Really, after all the time it takes to make yourself look put together you want other people to see how put together you look.
Sweater: Old navy
Tank: Gap
Scarf: Target
This is my t
Sweater: Old navy
Tank: Gap
Scarf: Target
Current Obsessions
Lately, I've been obsessed with the Pixiwoo Channel on YouTube. They are 2 sisters who are makeup artists and bloggers. They feature basic and celebrity makeup tutorials on their channel (including a Kate Middleton look, which I totes love). They also have a second channel, Pixiwoo Madness, that features more makeup tutorials, their fashion styles and personal news. I can (and have) literally watch their videos all day. Unfortunately, this also means that I'm wanting to buy more makeup products and tools. Also unfortunate for me, I ventured into my local Ulta for the first time and fell in love. Wish I knew about this last Saturday when I could have avoided driving an hour to my nearest Sephora. I think I like Ulta a little more than Sephora because a) it's 5 minutes away from me and b) I'm not as tempted to buy most of the nicer, more expensive makeup that I want to buy. I can still get products like Urban Decay eye primer, Stila makeup, etc but they also carry drugstore brands. Another plus for Ulta is that they carry Real Technique brushes, which are designed by Samantha Chapman of Pixiwoo. Below are a couple of my favorite video tutorials of theirs, the Kate Middleton makeup and the Guide to Brows.
A Blouse About Town
I noticed the recent trend towards light, billowy blouses, and I was totally sucked in. However, I was a bit hesitant because I'm packing upstairs (I have boobies) anything loose has the tendency to look like I may be hosting a three-ring circus in the future.
The fates converged in a happy alignment at H&M the other day (I also scored a £5 gift card) and I am now the proud owner of this:

Albiet it's a bit wrinkled, but that's pretty typical for me. I took it out drinking and definitely had a wild evening, and it looks fabulous with my new hair. I like to think of it as office edgy.
Side note:
H&M also carries scary Bidget Jones unides! This is brilliant. Though, they should put more realistic models in the photos:

Sunday, October 23, 2011
Hair This and That

I got a long awaited, and much anticipated haircut last week. I'd reached the point of hair doom when regardless of the work I put into it, I just end up looking like a drowned rat. So I simply said, "make me presentable, and yes I promise I'll blow dry and flatiron." And I may have said, "I know I'll never look like Kate Middleton so I won't even ask but I'd like something along the lines of the new Jennifer Aniston bob."
Off came about 3 or 4 inches, and a ton of nasty layers. Those hours logged by the pool this summer left the ends of my hair a mess so it was awesome seeing them on the floor. I also got rid of all that cheap shampoo I'd been using. Now I'm only going to use Pureology as it truly makes a huge difference in my hair. And don't even bother asking how many products I use, because the list is long people.
So Apparently I'm a Masochist...
I purposely watched P.S. I Love You tonight knowing full well just how this movie makes me feel every single time. I saw this movie for the first time with Tom when it came out in theaters, and I laughed and cried intermittently every 5 minutes throughout the entire thing. When we got back in the car I broke down and bawled some more in the parking lot. I didn't know any one person could hold such a huge amount of tears in her tear ducts. I made Tom switch places with me to drive us back home because I was a hot mess. I don't normally cry again when I watch sad movies because I know what to expect. This is an exception. I still laugh and cry every 5 minutes. And I still want to go to Ireland.

Saturday, October 22, 2011
Uber sad. This was one of the rings I would wear all the time. Somehow during the move I lost it. Or may have given it to someone. If I still own it, then I'm crossing fingers that I find it in one of my bags somewhere.

I'm a huge fan of kitschy jewelry. This explains my desire to own this:
I'm a huge fan of kitschy jewelry. This explains my desire to own this:
Grimm vs. Once Upon a Time
At first I wasn't going to watch either of these shows, but once I realized that both shows are helmed by Buffy alum, I had to watch.
a little darker, more suspense...I need to see more than the pilot though...but it has potential. Definitely see the Buffy lineage in this one, it has a similar storyline (being "the chosen")
might be interesting...written by some of the writers from Lost...the pilot was pretty bad at some points, I was mostly just wishing and hoping that Ginnifer Goodwin would stop crying. I can't see myself committing to watching a whole season of this...but I'll give it another chance. I don't like precocious little kids so that's a minus
Anthro Fail
Goddamnit Anthropologie. How did you mess up the shipping on the awesome purchase I was gloating about?
Whatever. Bought the green ones too because 1. they are awesome 2. my other pants are too big and 3. I need pants for my trip to Austin as it will actually be cold at night
Friday, October 21, 2011

Ok people. Listen up. The best new show on television is Revenge. Everything about it, from the plot twists and turns to the one-liners is perfection. I love it for so many reasons, one being the main character is a psychopath, a beautifully dressed psychopath but one nonetheless. The delight she takes in decimating people (I will not give even the hint of a spoiler away in my fan-girl blathering about this show), makes watching the plot lines thrilling.
Have you ever daydreamed about making someone's life hell (just me, moving right along)? Revenge follows Emily Thorne, who proves that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned or actually in this case the consequence of having a father wrongly convicted of loads of terrible things and being sent away to a home as a wee one, makes Emily a sad, scorned panda. A sad panda in perfect clothes with a outrageous Hampton beach-side manor and the will to kill but whatever. She sets out on seeking revenge upon all of the fools who did poor Papa in many moons ago. She does all this without ever messing up her hair and while making out with a pretty hot dude. Oh and there is a dog for those of you who need cute animals to feel better about the world. The damn dog might be 100 years old due to the writer's using some President Bush style funny math to add to the plot, but whatever. There is something for everyone in this show.
Watch it on Hulu. I'm only going to ask you this once. And because I'm sweet, here is the link: http://www.hulu.com/search?query=Revenge&st=1&fs=
Dress Manifesto
I strongly believe that when you see a dress that you love (or that is amazingly on sale), you must buy it. I know popular wisdom says that you should only buy something if you have a specific occasion to wear it....FALSE. First of all, what if there are no good dresses on the shelves?! Second, what if they are outrageously expensive?! No good.
Look at this dress. The original price was $188. I bought it for $20 at my local Macys (coupons were involved). And now I'll have this dress for future occasions! Luckily for me, I went to a wedding at the beginning of October and this dress just happened to be in my closet, ready to be worn! Also, if I ever have a Valentines day date, this might work for that...or a Christmas party. So many hypothetical situations to wear a dress purchased with the manifesto in mind!
New Hair, New Rules!
I've been hankering for a new hair cut for a while, and once that seed is planted...well it's not going to stop nagging me until I do it. I'd been putting it off because I don't know any of the places in Glasgow and I am broke. On a lark I was taking a walk to post some letters and I wandered by a 'Models Wanted for Adventurous Haircuts!' sign. Needless to say I was curious and asked to be put on the list. My secret fear is that they'd cut all my hair off (ugh, short hair is hideous on me) and I'd have some weird asymmetrical mullet.

Quick background: Glasgow is actually a fantastic place for fashion, though it definitely has that hipster slant. However, the hair and makeup situation leaves much to be desired. Let's just say too much bronzer, fake tan, and bad weaves.
So, they gave me an appointment and I waited very anxiously for the day to arrive. I have to say, spending 6 hours in a salon getting the whole kit and caboodle done was awesome, the closest I'll ever have to a sylist. Anywho, I LOVE my new hair and it is such a change from my usual dull mop. Being adventurous really paid off.

As for the new rules, well not so much. Oh well, you can't win them all!
I'll be honest. This post is mainly for my benefit. Back in 2010, I Facebook crept on some photos and saw an album of a friend's for her cousin's wedding. Anyways, so my friend's sister wore this gorgeous dress that I fell in love with. I wanted to find it online but had no idea as to what brand it was or who designed it. I even tried googling "taupe keyhole halter dress with rosettes." Rosettes! I fucking hated rosettes ever since Angela used them on every single design for Season 3 of Project Runway! (Remember when Jeffrey made her mom cry?) But I love them on this dress. By some miracle I found the dress on a website for a boutique that I SWORE I was going to buy whenever I reach "that goal size." Well, we know what happens to that. Which was a damn shame considering the dress they had was in green and completely gone. Time passed and I forgot about that dress until tonight. Which is why I am still up at 3 a.m. my time. Thinking about this dress. I could not remember the designer for the life of me! I even facebook stalked the boutique where my friend's sister shops just to see if they posted a picture of the dress back in 2010. No such luck. I tried googling "taupe keyhole halter dress with rosettes" and guess what. Nada. I eventually ended up on the boutique's website where I originally saw the dress. Again, by some miracle there it was only this time in red! And the brand is Esley. (Note: "Esley flower thread dress" gives you better Google results than my failed attempts.) See for yourself.
I don't know how I feel about it in red. There's one on eBay in blue that I'm a bit in love with and would totes buy if it weren't a size small. I need to not be tempted to buy it in the hopes of fitting into it by April for a friend's wedding rehearsal dinner (I'm a bridesmaid so I don't need a dress). However, I am tempted to have my boyfriend grab this dress for me before it sells out (currently long distance and he lives in the same city as the boutique that currently has it). I am now exhausted and fucking ecstatic perfectly content that I now know who makes this dress. I'll let you know if I eventually buy it. It may be worth it after writing this novel of a blog post.

Thursday, October 20, 2011
Thinking Out Loud
Remember when Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning claimed to be besties back in the day? Coincidentally, that occurred around the time they were filming The Runaways. What are they doing now? Still besties? Obvi, these are the thoughts that make the world go round.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
WHY CAN'T I STOP WATCHING THIS SHOW?! It's so addicting...but bad for my brain. I'm just finishing season 3...good thing is that I haven't spent any money on this and have been watching online
Bruce Willis+Demi Moore
A rumor (started by my mom) states that Ashton's affairs are actually a plot by Bruce and Demi so they can get back together. Bruce's current wife will just have to deal.
Comfort Food
It's getting colder where I live so I was definitely craving some yummy, warm mac and cheese. I didn't want to have to buy too many ingredients and found this recipe from Rachael Ray for Broccoli and Cauliflower Gratin Mac and Cheese. NOMZ. We had a crap ton of broccoli so I didn't bother with buying any cauliflower. Also, I threw in some chicken and 86'd the chives. Let's be honest. I really only wanted an excuse to eat some Cabot Sharp Cheddar Cheese from Vermont. My only negative for making this mac and cheese: I didn't pay attention to how many servings it yields so I made the whole thing. I ended up putting some in the freezer. We'll see if it freezes and reheats well. In the meantime, enjoy my lovely photog skills.
And just for shits and giggles because I'm feeling nostalgic, here's an oldie but a goodie picture from last year's hike up to Kent's Ledge in Vermont.
January Jones
Guys, I really like this rumor that Ashton Kutcher is the father of January's baby Xander (I bet she never even watched Buffy and thought she was being original. Fool). It all makes sense!!!
I have been looking for the perfect pair of riding boots--winter appropriate--FOREVER. I finally found a pair online, fell in love and ordered them ASAP. I came home everyday checking to see if they arrived and yesterday I was delighted to find the box sitting at the bottom of the stairs! I rushed them to my room to try them on with my skinny jeans and they were about a half size too small. Sadness. I called the company and started the return process with a big frown on my face. These are definitely the ones that got away...
I am still on the hunt for the perfect, comfortable winter boots...I work at a shoe store, why is this seemingly impossible????
I am still on the hunt for the perfect, comfortable winter boots...I work at a shoe store, why is this seemingly impossible????
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Oh Hai. Look at what I bought
I'm going to get us started off by talking about what I bought today!
One of the items I was stalking on sale and the other I happened to
stumble upon at a wonderful price.
check out this skirt...$9.99!!! *does sales dance*
been stalking these. They finally went on sale, and while they weren't
cheap, they were about what I usually would pay for jeans on sale (does
that make sense?). Anyway, I want to wear them all the time.
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