Wednesday, November 9, 2011

7 1/2 Goals

Some people make New Year's Resolutions but I decided to make my End-of-the-Year Goals. Lots of lists have recently been made on Couch so I felt as though I should contribute and I thought making my list public would help keep me on track. We have approximately 7 1/2 weeks until December 31 (Yikes!) so this should be plenty of time to check off every goal on my list. And go:

1. I will lose 10 lbs. I know this is a lofty goal, especially with holiday parties right around the corner. But I think it's pretty reasonable. Again, we have 7 1/2 weeks to go and it would be nice to finish off the year at the weight I was before grad school.

2. I will not let more than 2 days pass in between workouts. This goes hand-in-hand with Goal #1. Too many times I've let my lazy ass be an excuse to not workout. Actually, I was supposed to go to the gym 2 hours ago prior to writing this post. I promise I will go to the gym after I publish this post so my lazy ass can turn into a toned ass. All about the priorities, people.

3. I will have 2 interviews scheduled by the end of the year. This one will definitely be more difficult since the scheduling part is out of my control. But I will just have to do all that I can short of begging and sending gift baskets to make sure my resume gets noticed.

4. I will floss my teeth every night. I've gotten into a habit of flossing my teeth every other night. This one is mainly for vanity because I'm quite pleased with my teeth and want to do all that I can to keep them looking good and healthy.

5. I will be out of bed by 10 a.m. I know. Lazy ass. I can't help it. You'd go to bed at 3 a.m., too, if you had Mr. Darcy (in both the literary and Colin Firth sense) with you. No? Just me? Moving right along.

6. I will call my credit card company to convince them to lower my interest rates. I will be using this tip to help me. Let's see if my negotiation skills can come into play. I should probably add "Better my negotiation skills" to this Goal list. Maybe for the next list.

7. I will send out letters and postcards to friends I've been promising them to for over a year. I'm terrible with that. I even bought pretty stationary (last year) with which to write said letters. Added to that, I will include baked goods.

7 1/2. I will finish a new book. I'm currently re-reading Pride and Prejudice for the umpteenth time (see Goal #5). After that I'll finally finish Michael Pollan's An Omnivore's Dilemma. This is where the half comes in since I've already read the first half of the book.

OK, so that's it. 7 1/2 goals for 7 1/2 weeks.


  1. I am almost done with Wicked and Pride and Prejudice is next! Although--this will be my FIRST time reading it!

  2. This is so great. I'm making my own list & will post when completed!

  3. P&P is SO GOOD! One of my all time faves! And if you feel like watching a movie version, I really highly recommend the BBC 1980 version and the 1995 Colin Firth. Personally, I like 1980 version best despite its poorer film quality. I think the characterizations of Elizabeth, Mr. Darcy and really everybody is better than that of the '95 one. That being said, the '95 version has Colin Firth.

    Bambi, can't wait to read your list!
