In the form of this t-shirt from one of my good friends (male model not included):

Story behind the shirt: I've had this group of friends ever since high school, a posse if you will. We love board games, among which being the game of Life that was a classic 1970s edition. We added a little twist to it by playing Civil Union Life where gay marriage could be legal in this capacity since, at the time, it wasn't legal anywhere. If I remember correctly I believe my first gay couple was Johnny Depp and Sean Connery. The best part is that whenever I waited for my turn I would have my couples frolic and fornicate throughout the many forested areas within the board game, sometimes leaving their car full of kids without adult supervision. We are now scattered throughout different parts of the country (Much like Couch. Maybe one of these days I'll make friends and live within the same area for at least a few years) but we still play Civil Union Life whenever we reunite. This t-shirt is quite possibly one of the best things ever.
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