Sunday, November 27, 2011


Rehabbing my knee that is. Not running and limping for a month has transformed my body to jelly (and the slightly tighter fit in my jeans confirms that).

I started doing this yesterday.  It's currently $6.85 at Amazon and worth it.  One thing I hate about workout dvds is how everyone in the background are like the size of my leg and can do all the positions like it's super easy.  Not the case here! There are normal people who have normal body shapes and whose legs shake when it's a hard pose just like a normal person.  Emphasis on normal...the music is kind of hilarious because it sounds like it's taken from a Michael Bay movie..but I kind of like it. Lightens the mood.  Also, Bob Harper is kind of hot.  He's super nice, he knows the workout is hard, and he keeps reminding you that it's weight loss yoga and it's good for you. Also, I kept looking at the tv to see if he'd take off his shirt. This is why a workout dvd led by a man trumps the ones led by women. Keep your shirts on ladies, I don't want to see how your abs compares to my flabs.  I did the Level 1 workout (20 minutes) and I broke a sweat and felt the burn.  They also offered lower-impact variations on the poses.  
I have never seen the show but I read that the people in the background are from the show...good job guys

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